仁和春天 |
仁和集团 |
According to Renhe Group, a real success reaches its highlight before it is recognized. If the success relies on memory, it becomes unreal. Renhe has passed a long way with the greatest carefulness, and thus if you are not in Renhe, you can hardly understand the history of Renhe.
Because of its sensitivity to fashion, Renhe entered the jewelry business; because of its unique interpretation of life, Renhe entered the field of general merchandise; because of its desire for high taste, Renhe opened Spring Coffee; and because of its profound understanding of housing, Renhe runs deep in the real estate business…
Since the early 1990s when Renhe joined the market economy with its jewelry business, it has constructed a large-scale development system, covering the businesses in general merchandise, real estate, food industry and so on. Within the group, there are several companies, including Chengdu Renhe Spring General Merchandise Co.,Ltd., Chengdu Spring Real Estate Co.,Ltd., Spring Coffee Food & Beverage Co,Ltd., Renhe Spring Taxi Co.,Ltd., and Chendu Renhe Spring Infrastructural Management Co.,Ltd. Etc.
With its rich industrial resources and diversity of businesses, the expansion of Renhe is going forward steadfastly; with the breakthrough growth in capital-value, the market share and business scale, the sustainable growth of the group is maintained.
Since the coming into being of Renhe Jewelry Company in 1993, Renhe Group has consecutively participated in several businesses: in 1998, it opened Renhe Spring Department Company Limited; in 2000, it developed the Spring Garden. In every field it has joined, Renhe Group is playing the leading role and contributed a lot to the innovation and development of the entire business.
Time flies quickly and the harvest season comes again. Although today's Renhe Group has made a lot of achievements, it is still developing the international market and heading for a brighter future with its strength and determination.
CHENDU RENHE (Real industrial) GROUP
地址: 中国成都市宾隆街1号仁和大厦 No1 Binglong Street,Chengdu
电话: 028-86655838-783
传真: 028-86679406
邮编: 610015
发源地:四川 > 成都
更 新:2021-5-30